CheckMarket survey contact import result notification email error codes and values
Help Center
Recurring surveys
Scheduling a recurrence makes it easier to regularly send a survey to the same group on a schedule: Daily, weekly, quarterly, or the first Monday of every month.
I don’t see the option “Contacts” anywhere
When you do not see the “Contacts” menu you have either not selected the correct distribution channel, or you do not have the rights to see this menu.
Import limits on role-based addresses
Role-based addresses are typically company addresses defined by a job rather than a person, and are associated with high bounce rates and spam complaints.
Add a contact list to a survey
You can add an entire contact list to a survey or a subset of one by applying filters, cooldown rules, maximum number to be added, etc.
Contact lists
A contact list is a ‘reusable group of contacts’ which lets you easily distribute multiple surveys to the list without importing a file.
Global opt-out list
When respondents indicate they don’t want to participate in any of the surveys you send out, we save them in your account’s opt out list.
Searching for contacts across all surveys
Search for a contact across all surveys that you have access to via the ‘Account’ tab.
Importing contacts into a survey
Import contacts from a file to a survey and then send automatic invitations via email or SMS. Include metadata which you can use in your survey and analysis.
Searching for contact history
The contact history gives an overview of all surveys a particular contact was invited for. If they responded you can access the contact report from here.
Individual respondent reports
There are two types of respondent reports available in CheckMarket: the report with metadata, and the report without metadata.
Invite contacts more than once for the same survey
You can invite people more than once for the same survey when you import them as separate contacts. This way our tool treats them as separate instances.
Updating contacts in a survey
It is possible to import additional fields to existing contacts or to change already imported contact fields, even when your survey is live or closed.
Custom fields
You can change your custom fields names on survey level so that their contents are clear to everyone with access to this survey or the reports.
Reset survey contacts
Resetting contacts makes it possible for those contacts to fill out the survey again using the same link that they have received before.
Download the unique hyperlinks for your contacts
You can generate unique hyperlinks per respondent and link survey answers to the respondents. You can also monitor who has already filled out your survey.
Expiration date for a group of contacts
Adding an expiration date to survey contacts comes in handy for long-running or continuous surveys. After this date they can’t access the survey anymore.
Invitation date for a group of contacts
You can set an invitation date for your survey so your contacts receive the invitation at a certain date and time decided by you.
Multiple submissions by the same respondent
Depending on your distribution channel your respondents may be able to fill out your survey more than once. This article provides an overview.