Role-based addresses are typically company addresses defined by a job rather than a person, and are often managed by several people or eventually fall into disuse. These types of addresses cause high bounce rates and spam complaints, so CheckMarket blocks them from your import.
If someone signs up for your studies using a role-based address we recommend getting in touch with that person and asking them if they have a personal address you can reach them at.
Blocked addresses
The following are a sample of the kinds of role-based addresses email addresses that we block.
- abuse@
- accounts@
- accueil@
- admin@
- all@
- ask@
- billing@
- commercial@
- compliance@
- contactus@
- customercare@
- design@
- direction@
- dns@
- email@
- enquires@
- enquiries@
- enquiry@
- enquries@
- everyone@
- firma@
- ftp@
- general@
- hallo@
- hello@
- help@
- helpdesk@
- postmaster@
- information@
- inoc@
- ispfeedback@
- ispsupport@
- jobs@
- list@
- list-request@
- mail@
- mailbox@
- maildaemon@
- management@
- marketing@
- media@
- news@
- nfo@
- no@
- nobody@
- noc@
- noemail@
- nomail@
- noreply@
- no-reply@
- null@
- office@
- postbox@
- postmaster@
- pr@
- press@
- privacy@
- projekt@
- registrar@
- remove@
- request@
- root@
- secretariat@
- security@
- sekretariat@
- services@
- spam@
- staff@
- subscribe@
- support@
- sysadmin@
- team@
- tech@
- test@
- undisclosed-recipients@
- unsubscribe@
- usenet@
- uucp@
- web@
- webmaster@
- welcome@
- www@
- zentrale@
- …
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