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Handling GDPR Data Subject Requests

According to article 15 of GDPR data subjects have the “Right of Access”. When it comes to surveys conducted on CheckMarket’s platform, our clients are the ‘data controller’ and CheckMarket is the ‘data processor’.

If one of your data subjects exercises their rights under article 15 of the GDPR, you may want to check if you invited them to participate in any surveys on CheckMarket and which data was sent to us for processing. In this article, we will show you how to lookup a contact across all your surveys and how to review and download that information.

Right of Access

Part of the expanded rights of data subjects outlined by the GDPR is the right for data subjects to obtain from the data controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning them is being processed, where and for what purpose. Further, the controller shall provide a copy of the personal data, free of charge, in an electronic format.

Search for a contact across all surveys

  1. Sign in to CheckMarket.
  2. Go to Account
  3. Click on Contacts
  4. Click on Search

You can search on an exact match for email address, first name, last name or contact id.

search contacts across all surveys

Next you’ll get a list of all surveys and contact lists in which this person exists. The last column contains a link to the ‘history’ report for that contact.

  1. Click on Open in the History column.
Please note, you’ll only be able to search in surveys and contact lists that you can access. Make sure that the search is done by a user that has access to all surveys and all contact lists, like an administrator.

Contact history

The contact history opens in a separate tab.

The upper half of the page provides the contact information that was imported for this contact. In the Survey participation overview you see how many surveys they were added to and what the status was for each survey. Click on  to open the contact report for that survey.

Click on Download in the top right corner of the page to download a PDF version of the contact history.

Note: You should also seek independent legal advice relating to your obligations​​ under the GDPR, as only a lawyer can provide you with legal advice specifically tailored to your situation. Please bear in mind that nothing ​in this article​ is intended to provide you with, or should be used as a substitute for, legal advice.​

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