Tips & tricks

What is Quota Sampling and How Can You Take Advantage of It?

Surveys are a highly effective way to gain valuable insight into your customers’ needs and expectations. Data can help you understand your audience and create custom messaging that resonates with them. This also enables you to provide a positive customer experience, which can benefit your business in several ways. To gain the insight required to for effective marketing campaigns, you should first learn what quota sampling is and how you can incorporate it into your research efforts.
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Why Video Insights Are Key to the Future of Market Research

Market research is changing as we know it. Qualitative research, while acknowledged by researchers and companies as a useful way to extract rich insights, was also known for its many limitations–including its lack of scalability. Collecting qualitative data used to be a long, complex and non-automatable process that required a lot of manual effort. But recent technological advancements have changed all that, with a boost from the pandemic.
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Sampling Bias: What It Is and 3 Ways to Avoid It

The goal of any research study is to learn more about your audience by gathering accurate data that represents a population as a whole. This can only be achieved through a fair and balanced presentation of the study’s sample responses. Unfortunately, many studies are negatively impacted by various forms of bias. These biases produce distorted results and lead to incorrect conclusions. To ensure results are honest and accurate, researchers must understand what sampling bias is and how to avoid it.
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What is Response Bias and How Can You Avoid It?

Market researchers must be aware of any potential threats to the validity of their study. Response bias is a common factor – it can skew the results of your study, and send your marketing team down the wrong path. An ineffective marketing campaign means time and money wasted, not to mention having to start back at square one.
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Systematic Sampling Method: Definition and 7 Pros & Cons

Organizations worldwide use surveys to gain insight into how their business is perceived by others and how it’s performing overall. The United States Census Bureau alone conducts more than 130 surveys a year to ensure communities are receiving the resources and services they need to thrive. When gathering feedback, sampling can simplify the process by providing data on a subset of your audience. This allows you to make inferences about the population as a whole. Systematic sampling is an effective way to gain input for market research, clinical studies, political polling, and more.
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How Timing Affects Survey Responses (and How to Take Advantage of It)

We’re currently living in the attention economy. Everywhere we turn as consumers, things are fighting for our attention. Colorful apps on our phones hit us with regular buzz notifications, enticing us back to their platform. Late-night talk show hosts, backed up by a jazzy band, give us a glimpse into what glitzy celebrities are really like. And how could you forget the many on-demand streaming services full of addictive series designed to hook us?
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6 Ways to Make Employees Fill in Your Surveys

Employee surveys are key tools for any business. They can measure the mood in a company, allow employees to give input and see how an employer is doing on certain issues.

To make employee surveys work, however, you need a sufficient amount of employees filling them in. Having high degrees of non-response can cause your survey to be less reliable and can cause biases to arise.

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What are my GDPR Responsibilities for Surveys?

As a result of the GDPR, more and more CheckMarket users ask us what they should do to be compliant. If you are working with personal data of data subjects in the EU or are located in the EU or have activity in the EU, there are a number of things that you have to take into account. In this blog article we will try to give you a good head start.
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5 Easy Ways to Fight Online Survey Fatigue

More and more companies ask their customers for feedback nowadays. We at CheckMarket think that the increase of customer-centricity is great, but unfortunately there’s not only good news attached to it. People are getting a bit tired of filling in surveys, because they simply receive lots and lots of invitations on a regular basis. Survey fatigue is coming to the surface. Since getting valuable feedback is essential, how do you make people open your invitations? These 5 tips will help you get your feedback requests clicked on more easily.

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