Alexander Dobronte

GDPR: We Updated Our Privacy Policy

On May 25, 2018, the most significant piece of European data protection legislation to be introduced in 20 years will come into force when the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replaces the 1995 Data Protection Directive. We know that preparing for this regulatory change is a priority for many of our customers and it is equally a priority for us. That is why we are already busy making our survey tool fully GDPR compliant. Today, we are updating our privacy policy which has been specifically adjusted to reflect the new regulation.

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Survey Contacts Simplified!

Surveys have changed a lot in the last fifteen years. For instance, customer satisfaction has gone from a long once-a-year survey to short continuous longitudinal surveys spread across the customer journey. CheckMarket has evolved too, introducing new features and best practices along the way.

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5 Easy Ways to Fight Online Survey Fatigue

More and more companies ask their customers for feedback nowadays. We at CheckMarket think that the increase of customer-centricity is great, but unfortunately there’s not only good news attached to it. People are getting a bit tired of filling in surveys, because they simply receive lots and lots of invitations on a regular basis. Survey fatigue is coming to the surface. Since getting valuable feedback is essential, how do you make people open your invitations? These 5 tips will help you get your feedback requests clicked on more easily.

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Why buying NPS benchmarks is a bad idea

How does our Net Promoter Score compare to the scores of our competitors? It seems like a natural question. Why shouldn’t we benchmark our NPS against others? Because it’s not about the number! 

It’s about using an NPS system to improve your own internal processes and become a more customer centric organization.

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In app surveys, finally learn who your users are

App builders often do not know a lot about their users. They have all kinds of behavioral data, such as how often the app is opened, how long the user spends, …

But they don’t have demographics (age, gender, …) and very little feedback about the user’s experiences or grievances. It is possible to conduct a survey in app, without sending their user away to the browser.

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Our survey security policy

As a survey software provider it’s our job to keep our clients’ data safe. So far, we have earned the trust of 10,000+ users around the world, however, that doesn’t mean we can rest on our laurels. Our developers are working hard on new ways to keep your data locked all the time. Here’s a run down of our survey security policy.

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The art and science of writing survey questions – do’s and dont’s

Probably the hardest part of surveying is coming up with the right questions and finding the right words to do so. What you ask is a matter of understanding the psychology of your target audience. Wording your questions is a different matter. It requires talent, skills and practice (and lots of it). So let’s share the knowledge and give you some tips and best practices to help you write better survey questions which in turn will improve survey response rates significantly. 

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Internal customer satisfaction: how to use surveys to measure and improve internal processes

Regarding your employees, distributors, vendors or departments as internal customers adds a whole new perspective to business management. Improving internal customer satisfaction will eventually result in a more efficient production process, better service and ultimately lead to more satisfied external customers. Measuring internal customer satisfaction can be done in a couple of ways but surveys prove to be the most effective.
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Customer satisfaction questionnaire: 4 commandments

A customer satisfaction questionnaire is a double-edged sword. Companies need customer feedback in order to make better products and guarantee better service. But they also don’t want to annoy loyal customers with yet another survey. The gist of it is this: if you’re going to do it – and you should! – do it right …

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Receive survey notifications directly in Slack

Slack is a great tool that helps teams communicate more efficiently, keeping all members in the loop at all times without wasting valuable time. Here at CheckMarket we’re avid fans of the software and so are thousands of professionals around the world. That’s why we’re very proud to announce our Slack survey integration. From now on, teams can receive survey notifications directly in their Slack account.

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Customer survey design and the impact on brand equity

A great customer survey acts as a conversation starter between a brand and its (potential) customers. Its main goal is to deliver great customer insights but just like more traditional corporate communication channels it also serves brand equity. Furthermore, a branded survey drives response rates and makes for more reliable results. This article will explore in detail some essential customer survey design aspects to leverage your survey.

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Use a customer survey to increase customer loyalty

How good is your company at helping customers solve their problems quickly and easily? That’s, essentially, the question a customer service survey is set to answer. So how do you go about setting up a customer service questionnaire? What are the best practices? Which questions do you need to ask? And, more importantly, how to follow up on the incoming data? The key is to come up with a system that allows you to easily monitor and implement customer feedback into your services. Time to increase customer loyalty. We’ll tell you how to achieve this …
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Measuring customer satisfaction? Ask the right questions!

If you want to gain an insight into your customer satisfaction level, a survey is what your need. But which questions do you absolutely need to ask in order to effectively measure such a vague concept as customer satisfaction? There are roughly 4 categories of questions that will help you effectively measure customer satisfaction: customer loyalty, overall satisfaction, perceived attribution of quality and intentions to repurchase. Let’s have a closer look at these customer satisfaction survey questions.

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Sending out a better survey email invitation? 5 best practices to increase response rate  

One of the biggest benefits of sending out a survey email invitation is scope – you’re just one click away from gaining an insight into your entire customer base! This presupposes, however, that your respondents actually read and click your email. And there’s the rub … The average response rate for surveys sent via email is around 10-15 percent. Boosting that number should be any market researcher’s goal. And here’s how …
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Improved security for downloads

As an enterprise survey tool, we prove time and time again security is our top priority. Our default SSL encryption and 2-step verification is a testament of our commitment to our users’ security. Today, we add an extra layer of security to downloads and exports from CheckMarket.

When you export data from CheckMarket, a URL is generated which gives access to the file. The transfer itself is secured by https, but if someone could get the URL, for instance if your computer was hacked and sending info to someone else, they too could get the data. This is no longer the case. Now, all URLs to downloads require an authenticated user with access to the specific survey. Our feature to share results with others (not CM users), is protected too and requires a password to access the results.

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4 tips to get everyone involved in your Net Promoter Score Program: Webinar

As we all know, just measuring Net Promoter ScoreSM is not enough. The true goal of an Net Promoter Score program is to raise customer satisfaction which requires getting everyone in your organization involved. Just because the upper echelons of management decide that NPS is important, doesn’t automatically make it so for everybody.

Today, we give you 4 concrete tips you can apply immediately.

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Net Promoter Score (NPS): Advanced Workflow Webinar

We all know Net Promoter ScoreSM but how do you get it to the next level? How can you effectively set up a feedback program? To give an in-depth answer on these questions, we hosted a webinar on May 22nd: Net Promoter Score: Advanced Workflow.

Alexander quickly touched on the basics of Net Promoter Score explaining why NPS® is gaining more and more popularity. He shared some insights into the calculation of NPS. These insights showed the best improvement techniques such as: what group (detractors, passives, promoters) should you focus on to improve your NPS score, how can you involve everybody in your organization and how does the power of the customer influence the Net Promoter Score.

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Pitfalls of “don’t know/no opinion” answer options in surveys

In this new blog article we dig deeper into the use of the “don’t know” and “no opinion” (“DK/NO”) answer options in closed questions. After all, there is some debate in the scientific literature on whether to include or omit them. After extensively discussing the pros and cons of adding/omitting these answer options, we will provide you with some recommendations on how to deal with these answer options.

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CheckMarket makes SSL encryption the default

Our users have always had the option of using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to create a secure encrypted connection between their computer and CheckMarket. If it is now turned on by default for all users and all surveys.

What is SSL (or HTTPS)?

SSL verifies the identity of a company (CheckMarket) over the internet with a certificate authority. If everything checks out, CheckMarket and your computer establish an initial connection called a handshake. During the handshake the connection will determine which kind of encryption or scrambling it will use. The agreement created during the handshake is used to set up a secure connection between CheckMarket and your computer, called a Secure Socket Layer (SSL). Now the connection between CheckMarket and your computer is secure, and not at risk from third party infiltration.

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New message bar – The devil is in the detail

The response rate of a survey is important, but as researchers, we often use only fully completed surveys. That means we need to get people to take the time to reach the end of a survey. While there is lot of talk about gamification and other high-end solutions, as is often the case, the devil is in the detail. We have always worked hard to keep page-load times down in our survey tool. If a respondent feels a survey takes too long to load between pages, they are gone. We have also worked hard to make our surveys mobile friendly.

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